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    Gastric Bypass

    Gastric Bypass

    What is Gastric Bypass?

    Gastric bypass is a weight loss surgery performed by creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting this pouch directly to the small intestine.

    After this procedure, the swallowed food is directed into the small stomach pouch and then delivered directly to the small intestine. In this way, a large part of the stomach is bypassed and the small intestinal tract is shortened, and the absorption of nutrients is reduced.

    Gastric bypass, which is a highly preferred and effective weight loss method, is also has the potential to reduce health problems associated with obesity. In this way, patients provide their own weight control and develop obesity-related diseases.

    How is Gastric Bypass Performed?

    During the surgery, the stomach volume is reduced and a pouch with an initial part of approximately 30-50 cc is created. At the same time, part of the small intestine is also bypassed and connected to the newly formed small stomach. With this method, patients experience a rapid feeling of satiety with smaller portions, thereby significantly inhibiting the absorption of high-calorie nutrients.

    Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery
    • Since the patient’s stomach size decreases, less food consumption is sufficient.
    • Consumed foods are less digested because they jump directly into the small intestine, and calorie intake can be limited in this way.
    • Thanks to weight loss, the ability to perform daily activities increases.
    • Having an aesthetic and fit body structure increases self-confidence.
    Who is Gastric Bypass Suitable for?

    Gastric bypass procedure can be applied to people who have weight problems and have health problems due to this problem. After calculating the body mass index, people suitable for surgery are determined. This surgery can also be applied to patients who do not have a very high body mass index but have serious health problems due to weight.

    What is the Recovery Process After Gastric Bypass Operation?

    After gastric bypass surgery, hospitalization may be required for 1 to 2 days under the supervision of a doctor. When discharged after surgery, the doctor’s recommendations should be followed to avoid problems. During the healing process of the stomach and intestines; liquid and soft foods should be consumed. Supplements such as iron and calcium will support you in the healing process. In this process, heavy exercises should be avoided and doctor’s recommendations should be followed.

    How Many Days Should I Allocate for Gastric Bypass Procedure?

    Gastric Bypass surgery takes between 1 and 3 hours. After the surgery, the patient can be hospitalized for 4 to 6 days. Therefore, it will be sufficient to allocate a period of 1 week for the surgery.

    What Should Be Considered Before Gastric Bypass?

    There are critical points to be considered before gastric bypass surgery.

    • Starting an exercise and diet program before surgery can help achieve better results.
    • Restrictions on smoking and alcohol use may be required.
    • If there are continuous medications used by the patient before the surgery, the doctor should be informed.
    • Before the surgery, the patient’s health status should be checked by performing the necessary examinations.
    What Should Be Considered After Gastric Bypass?
    • Patients are usually kept under surveillance for 4 to 6 days after gastric bypass surgery.
    • At least 3 meals a day should be eaten after the surgery.
    • Meals should be in the form of protein, fruit and vegetables, and lastly, carbohydrate consumption.
    • Foods such as liquids and purees should be consumed in the first months. Attention should be paid to water consumption and at least 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid should be consumed.
    • Foods with low fat content should be consumed and the stomach should not be tired.
    • Simple candies such as candy, chocolate, dessert should be avoided.
    • It is necessary to consume the food thoroughly in chewed and pureed form. Otherwise, it may cause pain or vomiting.
    • Solid and liquid foods should not be consumed at the same time. Liquids should not be drunk during meals and small stomachs should not be filled. If the liquid and solid are taken at the same time, the feeling of satiety can be reached quickly in the stomach or the feeling of satiety can be reached later by washing the stomach, which will cause more eating.
    • Fluid intake should be stopped 30 minutes before or after eating.
    • Eating and drinking should be stopped when the feeling of satiety is reached or when pressure is felt in the middle of the abdomen.
    Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently Asked Questions

    * For informational purposes only, be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

    • Breast reduction surgery takes approximately 2-3 hours.

    • After breast reduction surgery, it is important that you should wear a special bra and pay attention to your movements. As long as you follow these rules, you can return to your normal life within 3-4 days. There may be swelling and bruising in your breasts after the operation, and these complications usually disappear completely within 2-3 weeks.

    Breast reduction surgery is a safe procedure if it is performed in a hospital, in a sterile operating environment, under the well-skilled expert team and specialist doctor.

    • The results of breast reduction surgery are permanent.

    • It is an operation usually performed on anyone over the age of 18. However, it can also be performed under the age of 18 in cases where it affects the person’s daily life.

    • After breast reduction surgery, 1 night at the hospital should be stayed. In some cases, the breasts may be taped after the surgery, these tapes will be removed within 1-3 days, or a sports bra may be worn directly after the operation. It is recommended that you should not lift weights and do sports activities for 1-2 months. The breasts regain their natural appearance within 2-3 months and then take their full form within 6 months.

    • It is performed under general anesthesia, no pain or hurt is felt during the procedure.

    • It is performed under general anesthesia.

    • Breast Reduction Surgery is safe and risk-free if performed in a full-fledged hospital with a specialist physician and team. There is no scar. Incisions are made in places light, inconspicuous, and well-hidden. If the scar cream and other instructions given by the doctor are followed, there will be no scars.

    • It is not recommended to enter/swim at the pool or the sea for approximately 1 month after the surgery.

    • The breasts will have a natural appearance within 1-2 months. It takes up to 6 months for the full desired result.

    • Breast reduction surgery results are permanent; therefore, there is no need to operate again. The surgery can be performed again after factors such as age, birth, excessive weight gain, etc.

    • Swelling is most noticeable in the first week after surgery. The swelling disappears within 2-3 weeks.

    • Edema is most noticeable in the first week after surgery. The edema disappears within 2-3 weeks.

    • Please contact us to get information about breast reduction surgery costs in 2024. Our specialists will get back to you immediately and answer all your questions.