Gingival Aestethics - Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery & Dentistry | Grand Clinic

Gingival Aestethics

Gingival Aesthetics

Gingival aesthetics is an ideal aesthetic type for those who suffer from gingival length. The fact that the gums are much more visible than normal during smiling causes aesthetic disorder and people who experience this situation turn to gingival aesthetics. Gingival aesthetics is a procedure performed only for appearance and has no effect on dental functions. In this way, there are no unwanted problems such as sensitivity or loss of function in your teeth. Grand Clinic, which works with aesthetic doctors and dentists who are experts in their field, helps individuals with gingival sensitivity and length problems to get the best service and achieve a gingival structure as they dream of. You can review the following headings for the most curious issues about gingival aesthetics. 

How is Gingival Aesthetics Performed?

Individuals who wonder how ti aesthetics is done should know that this aesthetics is done completely by considering the mouth, teeth and gum condition of the person. Thanks to this operation performed for aesthetic appearance, the gummy smile appearance is eliminated. In order to eliminate this appearance, many examinations and analyzes are carried out from the patient’s smile lines to the lip structure. Although it varies according to the gingival condition of the person, the basic stages of gingival aesthetics are as follows; 
  • People’s gums are checked with a preliminary examination. 
  • Computerized imaging of how the gums look and how they should look when the patient is smiling is performed. 
  • Local anesthesia is applied to the patient to perform the operation. In this way, there is no feeling of pain. 
  • A special laser device is used to shorten the gum. Gingivectomy is performed with this device. 
  • Afterwards, gingival shaping can be performed depending on the gingival condition of the person. Thus, the most ideal gingival appearance is obtained for the patient.

Gingival Design Aesthetics 

Gingival design aesthetics, also known as pink aesthetics, is an operation that completely idealizes the gums. Thanks to this procedure, which is completed in a short time and the recovery period is very short, the aesthetic disorder caused by the gum that appears intense during the smile is eliminated. In order to make the gingival design, the patient’s smile is photographed from many different angles. Thus, a perfect result can be obtained. After the pink aesthetics is performed, full recovery is seen within 7 to 15 days if the points to be considered are acted according to the points to be considered.  

Things to Consider After Gingival Aesthetics 

Individuals who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their gums and therefore want to have pink aesthetics should pay attention to some issues after the operation. These are 
  • Avoiding very hot or cold foods and drinks for the period recommended by the doctor, 
  • Avoiding acidic and alcoholic beverages, 
  • Avoiding foods with intense spices, 
  • After the operation, it is to consume soft foods for the period recommended by the doctor. 
Before and after the operation, your doctor will give you detailed information about all the issues you need to know and pay attention to. The recovery period of individuals who pay attention to the doctor’s recommendations is shortened. 

Gingival Aesthetic Prices 

Gingival aesthetic prices are among the most curious issues by individuals who want to have this aesthetics. Gingival aesthetic prices vary depending on the type of procedure to be performed and are determined after the preliminary examination. In this way, patients can get clear information about pricing by learning the procedures to be performed on them. In addition, information such as when the controls will be after the procedure and what the healing time will be depending on the gingival structure of the person is specified after the preliminary examination. Our guests coming from abroad for this procedure can also get detailed information about the duration of their stay in Turkey after the preliminary examination. 

Gingival Aestethics​ in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Surgery Time

1 - 3 Hours


6-8 WEEK







Gingival Aestethics​ in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Surgery Time

1 - 3 Hours




6-8 WEEK






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