Breast Augmentation - Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery & Dentistry | Grand Clinic

Breast Augmentation

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is medically referred to as breast implant surgery. The operation is performed to change breast size and shape. Breast surgery is usually preferred by women who want to increase breast size or correct its shape. With the surgical operation, an implant is placed under the breast tissue to increase the breast volume and make it look fuller. The surgical procedure can be performed for different reasons. Breast implant surgery is generally preferred for 3 main reasons. Situations where breast augmentation surgery is preferred:
  • In cases of aesthetic concerns, it is preferred for the correct proportion, fullness and aesthetic appearance.
  • It is preferred to equalize uneven, unbalanced and unnatural looking breasts.
  • It is preferred by women who have undergone mastectomy for health reasons.
As a clinic specializing in aesthetic surgery procedures, Grand Clinic aims to help women emphasize their beauty and feel more confident. It creates professional work areas in aesthetic surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is among the comprehensive aesthetic services offered by the clinic.Breast augmentation surgeries are performed by experienced surgeons with personalized approaches. Expert and professional surgeons adopt a personalized approach, taking into account the unique anatomical features and aesthetic goals of each patient. 

High Quality Implants and Safe Surgical Process

Grand Clinic uses high quality implants with the latest technology in breast augmentation surgeries. Implant selections are carefully made in accordance with the patient’s anatomy and aesthetic goals. Breast augmentation surgeries are performed in sterile environments with modern surgical devices. Experienced anesthesiologists ensure that patients feel comfortable and safe during surgery. Patient comfort and priority is prioritized after the surgical operation. All necessary support and rehabilitation services are provided to make the patient feel comfortable. A detailed consultation process is carried out with the patient before the operation. All stages and details of the surgical operation are explained to the patient and the patient is closely informed. Their questions about the operation are answered and they are informed about all the issues they are curious about. 

Recovery Time and Advantages After Breast Surgery

The recovery time of breast augmentation surgery may vary depending on individual differences. In general, postoperative recovery is seen at the end of the first week. Pain, swelling and bruising may be experienced in the first few days. After the first week, the complications experienced ease and decrease. During this period, painkillers recommended by the doctor are used to relieve pain. During the recovery period, it is important for the patient to protect the surgical site, sleep in certain positions and avoid activities. After one week, the patient can return to his/her daily life. With the help of Grand Clinic expert surgeons, the process is ensured to be mild. Advantages after breast augmentation surgery:
    • Breast size revision makes many women feel better about themselves and their self-confidence increases.
    • By regulating breast size, women have more freedom in their clothing choices. 
    • Women who have a naturally symmetrical breast appearance have a more balanced physique.
  • It is an option for breast reconstruction for women who have undergone mastectomy for breast cancer. 

Breast Augmentation Surgery Details 

Grand Clinic has a pricing policy focused on customer satisfaction. Breast augmentation surgery requires a stay in Turkey for 6 nights and 7 days. In the modern clinic environment, the patient is provided with a safe and comfortable environment during the surgery process. Accommodation is offered in modern and luxurious rooms to ensure patient comfort. Modern aesthetic clinic is an innovative health institution equipped with the latest technological devices. It has the safety and quality standards required to achieve the best results in all aesthetic operations. The specialized clinic surgeons use the latest techniques to ensure a successful operation and comfort. Prices for breast augmentation surgery, including accommodation during the personal exchange period, surgery costs and clinic services, range from 4500-5500 Euros. Prices may vary depending on patient needs and details of the surgery. The corporate and professional goal of the clinic is to ensure the best result for the patient and guarantee personal satisfaction. More information about aesthetic operations can be obtained by contacting the clinic.  

Breast Augmentation in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Surgery Time

1 - 5 Hours




6-8 WEEK





Breast Augmentation in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Surgery Time

1 - 5 Hours




6-8 WEEK






The happiness of our hundreds of patients who apply to us for a healthier and better quality of life comes first for Grand Thanks to our expert and experienced team, we provide guaranteed results to our patients and share their happiness together. Using the latest techniques and medical knowledge, we give our patients the results they want in the fastest and most comfortable way. If you are also planning to have an operation, you can review our references by taking a look at our before and after photos.