Grand Clinic offers aesthetic services in a comfortable travel and hospital environment that will make you look your best in Istanbul Turkey. We are waiting for you on this unique journey.
Grand Clinic offers aesthetic services in a comfortable travel and hospital environment that will make you look your best in Istanbul Turkey. We are waiting for you on this unique journey.
In order for dental aesthetics applications to be considered successful, the result must not only be beautiful but also look natural.
Grand Clinic is considered one of the most reliable aesthetic centers in Turkey with its expert staff and experience. Patients from many nations have had excellent experiences with us. We offer accommodation, transportation, medical consultancy, communication and translation services to help our patients have a comfortable and trouble-free experience. Grand Clinic offers a variety of plastic procedures in a hospital environment that adopts the latest and most modern medical approaches. We also perform aesthetic, dental and hair transplant treatments with our professional doctors and expert staff. For this reason, we offer our patients the most advanced professional expertise, along with the latest technology approved in the field. We also carefully organize and follow up on our customers' pre- and post-operative experiences to ensure that the operation and recovery process goes smoothly. Our team strives to help patients have a pleasant stay in Turkey and achieve life-changing results. Grand Clinic offers aesthetic services in a comfortable travel and hospital environment that will make you look your best in Istanbul, Turkey. We are waiting for you on this unique journey.
Skilled Experts
Honorable Awards
You can get information about the procedures you want by contacting our Grand Clinic Team, which is an expert in the field, and you can create your appointments.
After the successful completion of your appointments, according to your schedule, we are preparing a Luxurious Hotel and Accommodation plan for you.
We support you in all your programs in Istanbul, starting with the Airport Transfer process, with our staff who are experts in their fields and have industry experience.
Before and after the procedures, our Grand Clinic Medical Assistants will be there to support you in every step of the way and they will stay in touch with you for 1 year after your procedures.
As Grand Clinic, we strive to establish language and cultural communication with doctors and other healthcare professionals and to provide two-way information exchange between patients and healthcare personnel. Providing services in Medical Aesthetics, Hair Transplantation, Dental Health, Plastic Surgery and many different health issues, Grand Clinic provides services in many areas from planning the most appropriate treatment for patients, to accommodation and transfer.
We offer you high-quality treatments in the best hospitals by the most experienced doctors with the opportunity of enjoying a great vacation in Istanbul. We create the most suitable treatment plan for you by bringing you together with our specialist doctors before your treatment. We arrange your travel, accommodation, and transportation so you can spend your treatment process comfortably. In all these processes, we accompany you and do not leave you alone on your vacation. For you to have an unforgettable experience in Istanbul, we include you in tour programs. We always accompany you on this journey in which we prioritize your happiness and satisfaction.
"Hoje completam 8 dias da minha cirurgia no nariz, correu tudo muito bem, o conforto da transferência para todos os lugares foi muito bom, o hotel também foi muito bom. O atendimento prestado pela consultora que tirou muitas das minhas dúvidas antecipadamente foi bom. Por isso, gostaria de agradecer ao meu consultor OUSSAMA MOKRETAR pela sua paciência, explicações e respostas rápidas. Obrigado. Gostaria de expressar minha infinita gratidão a Onur Üstün por criar uma obra de arte.
Dopo varie consultazioni mi sono affidata a questa clinica. Li ho scelti perché mi sono sentita subito a casa! La mia consulente, Tamara, è stata in grado di eliminare tutti i miei dubbi, paure e confusione. Oltre ad essere molto professionale, dolce ed empatico. L'organizzazione del viaggio e del soggiorno a Istanbul sono stati perfetti! Una clinica ordinata e pulita... Personale cordiale e medici di qualità! Ho avuto un lifting del braccio e un impianto dentale.
Arm Lift And Dental İmplant
"Il nostro medico è un chirurgo gentile e premuroso che ti capisce velocemente. Sono felice di dire che sono soddisfatto dell'intervento estetico al naso che Onur Üstün ha eseguito un mese fa. Ringrazio le infermiere che si sono prese cura di me. Mi sono fermato al hotel per verificare se andava tutto bene, è stato gentile! Inoltre vorrei ringraziare anche il mio traduttore Sümeyye per avermi seguito nel viaggio, consiglio vivamente questa clinica, non potevo fare scelta migliore!”
"Спасибо вам большое, я очень довольна вашей работой, вы замечательные специалисты, врачи, медсестры, обслуживающий персонал, отдельное спасибо менеджеру Ирме и Самии, спасибо за организацию ❤️ с первого и до последнего дня консультации. - когда вернусь домой ❤️ обязательно буду вас рекомендовать ."
"خدمة رائعة! أسعار ممتازة !والدكتورة نتائج إبداع! شكرا على عملية زراعة الشعر ، تمت العملية قبل ٦ اشهر والنتائج معقولة جدا. اخص بل شكر المترجم امير. أود فقط أن أشكر جميع العاملين في عيادة جراند لأن أكثر من كل شيء ساعدوني جميعًا وسيكون أنفي مذهلًا ويمكننا تقديم تعليقات من الآن فصاعدًا 🙏👏"
Hair Transplant
"Sono passati 10 giorni dalla mia rinoplastica, e il risultato già mi rende molto felice... Dott. Onur è davvero un ottimo professionista, capisce benissimo cosa desiderano i suoi pazienti! Posso definire 3/4 stelle il servizio complessivo offerto nel pacchetto, è una cosa migliorabile in seguito, ma per il valore pagato mi ritengo anch'io soddisfatto... lo consiglio senza timori.🌻"
"Just I would like to thank all of GRAND Clinic because more than everything they helped me all of them and my nose will be AMAZING we can do come- mmts from now"
Grand Clinic team will help you get detailed information about the treatments you request.
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