Beard Hair Transplant - Hair Transplant, Plastic Surgery & Dentistry | Grand Clinic

Beard Transplant

Beard Transplant

Beard transplantation is among the aesthetic interventions that have increased in popularity especially in recent years. Thanks to this procedure, the sparseness of the beard and mustache in men is eliminated. After this permanent procedure, people achieve the aesthetic appearance they desire and thus regain the self-confidence they have lost. Beard transplantation is performed by professionals in this field.


As Grand Clinic, we offer services with experts in the field of beard transplantation. It is enough for our guests to stay in Turkey for 2 nights and 3 days for this procedure. We carry out applications under the guidance of an expert by utilizing new generation technologies to restore the beards, which have an important place in the external appearance of the individual, to the desired form.


Beard transplantation is an intervention that provides effective results in the loss of facial hair due to trauma, in the restoration of beards that never or rarely grow due to genetic factors to the desired form.


The structure of beards varies from person to person. For this reason, the beard transplantation process to be applied should be planned individually. Beard transplantation methods that are effective in achieving a natural appearance;

  • It is applied under local anesthesia. 
  • The procedure is performed without pain and pain sensation. 
  • There is no scar or incision after the procedure. 
  • It has lasting consequences.
  • Hair follicles collected from the nape of the neck are transplanted to the desired areas by appropriate devices and specialists.


Beard Transplant Prices

Beard transplantation, which is effective in ensuring aesthetic integrity; It is performed at different price ranges depending on the application, the experience and expertise of the person performing the application and the quality of the clinic. As Grand Clinic, we serve our guests at advantageous prices that we have determined as beard transplantation price. In our center, beard transplantation is performed at prices determined in the range of 1500-2000 EURO.


People who are researching for beard transplantation with the complaint of rootiness or sparseness in beards have some points to consider while doing price research. Here, the fact that the center that will perform the procedure has all the conditions in terms of hygiene and comfort and that the person who will perform the procedure is a professional in the field is extremely important in the success rate of the procedure.


Who Can Have Beard Transplantation?

Beards, one of the most important and natural accessories of men, can sometimes be found in undesirable forms due to various reasons. With the beard transplantation process, it is ensured that the person gets the beard he/she wants. If you want to find an answer to the question of who beard transplantation is suitable for; the person must have reached a certain hormonal level for beard transplantation. For this reason, people who want to have a beard transplant are required to be over the age of 20. It will be a much more correct approach to see the fixed form of the beard after the 20s and to intervene according to unwanted situations.


This procedure is safely applied for people who like the appearance of a beard called stubble and for people who want to lengthen their sideburns. The procedures based on the principle of restoring the missing and irregular beards to a much more aesthetic appearance are applied with a personalized treatment plan.


After beard transplantation, people can continue their daily lives without any problems. The healing process is extremely important in beard transplantation. It is important to protect the treated area for the first 2 days after the operation. It is considered normal to have slight redness in the procedure area for the first 7 days after the operation. Although it varies from person to person, clear results are obtained within 90 days on average.


You can prepare your treatment plan by reaching detailed information about beard transplantation, which is among the aesthetic operations that are used intensively by gentlemen who want to feel good and look aesthetically much more attractive and dynamic. 

Beard Transplant in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Hair Grafts

800 - 1500 Grafts

Hair Enhancers








Beard Transplant in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey


Hair Grafts

800 - 1500 Grafts

Hair Enhancers









The happiness of our hundreds of patients who apply to us for a healthier and better quality of life comes first for Grand Thanks to our expert and experienced team, we provide guaranteed results to our patients and share their happiness together. Using the latest techniques and medical knowledge, we give our patients the results they want in the fastest and most comfortable way. If you are also planning to have an operation, you can review our references by taking a look at our before and after photos.